SASSA Care Dependency Grant 2024 supports disabled children under 18

South Africa, one of the well-developed countries, has many government departments that provide financial aid to South African citizens, helping them to fulfill their daily life needs. Among numerous grants, the SASSA Care Dependency Program is one of the most well-known aid programs.
SASSA, provides this grant to the parents or the primary caregiver of the disabled child. In other words, this grant offers financial aid to children with mental or physical disabilities. The following article contains all details regarding this grant, its eligibility criteria, application procedure, and much more. Let’s dig into the following guide to explore this grant.
What Is SASSA Care Dependency Grant?
As I mentioned earlier, SASSA manages different financial assistance programs to help needy citizens of the state, but many people don’t know much about the grants SASSA offers.

If you are one of those individuals and do not know much about the Care Dependency Grant, don’t worry because this article has everything in detail regarding this grant.
SASSA Care Dependency grant is to support disabled children under 18, helping them to fulfill their necessities. Though it supports mentally or physically disabled children, everyone is not eligible for this grant. In other words, there is a specific eligibility criterion to qualify for this grant.
One of the essential things to remember about this grant is that it supports disabled children from low incomes households. Hence, if a child’s parents can not fulfill his basic needs because of low income, they can apply for this grant to manage the child’s requirements.
Eligibility Criteria For SASSA Care Dependency Grant 2024
When I first learned about this grant, I thought it did not have specific eligibility criteria and that every disabled child in South Africa was eligible for this grant, but I was wrong. SASSA offers a particular eligibility criterion to qualify for any financial aid.
Meets Test For SASSA Care Dependency Grant 2024
Since SASSA is a government department and manages numerous financial aid schemes, it has specific rules to verify an applicant’s application. Meets Test is one of the most famous application verification processes for SASSA. This test plays a significant role in verifying the income of the applicant’s family.
As I mentioned, this aid supports low-income families. SASSA conducts this test to determine whether the applicant’s family has a low income. If the annual income of the child’s parents falls into the eligibility criteria, the family passes this test and can proceed further with the application procedure.
If you are a single parent to a child, your annual income must not exceed R249 600. Your application will only be accepted if your annual income exceeds this amount. On the contrary, the combined annual income of married couples must be at most R499 200.
SASSA announced this amount as per the application procedure for the year 2024. Lastly, this income limit is for the child’s parents and does not apply to the child’s foster parents.
How To Apply For SASSA Care Dependency Grant 2024?
Once you know you are eligible for this grant, it’s time to apply for the aid. Now the question arises, how to apply SASSA Care Dependency 2024? I struggled to apply for such grants when I was new at applying for financial aid programs. To help you effortlessly apply for the aid without any inconvenience, I have listed a few essential steps to help you in the application process.
Step 1: The first step to applying for this grant is to gather the essential documents required for the application process. One of the most vital documents is the identity card, income proof, and other documents.
Step 2: Once you gather the required documents, now receive the application form. You can receive the application form by downloading it from SASSA’s official website. Additionally, you can receive the application form by visiting your nearest SASSA office.
Step 3: After receiving the form, you must fill the form with the correct information. Remember, you must provide essential documents to verify your application. Fill in the required field, including full name, identity card number, address, etc.
Step 4: Once you complete the form, you must submit the application form. Before submitting the form, recheck the details to avoid any inconvenience. You can submit the application form by visiting the nearest SASSA office.
Documents Required To Apply For SASSA Care Dependency Grant
The following are the essential documents required for applying for his grant.
How Long Does SASSA Take To Respond?
As I mentioned earlier, SASSA manages various financial aid schemes. Hence, it takes some time to accept your application. SASSA usually takes around 2 to 3 months to accept applications. Meanwhile, it verifies your information in the form to avoid fraud and misinformation. Furthermore, it confirms your annual income to determine if you are eligible for the grant.
How Much Does SASSA Pay For The Care Dependency Grant?
The monthly payment for this grant is R2 080. SASSA sends this aid in various ways. The most common method of receiving the grant from SASSA is receiving cash from your nearest SASSA office. Moreover, you can provide your bank account details to receive the grant online every month. Another prominent method of receiving financial aid is through welfare organizations.
The above article contains detailed information on the SASSA Care Dependency Grant 2024. This grant supports the under 18 disabled South African children from low-income families. It has specific eligibility criteria to receive the grant. Furthermore, its application process is quick and easy. Read the above guide to find out further details regarding this grant.