Apply for Sassa Old Age Pension – South African Government

As a senior citizen in South Africa, who needs 24-hour care and wants to live in an older person’s residential facility or wants payment for their living. They can take part in the Sassa old-age pension program as about 46% of the South African population gets the Sassa grant. This grant is valid for people who are 60 years old or above. Generally, this grant is called the old age pension because it is the monthly income for people who are 60 years or above and who do not have any other financial resources. You can get all the information here, that is necessary to Apply for the Sassa old age pension grant offered by the South African Government.

About the older person’s grant
Growing old is a fact, from which no one can run, and everyone has not enough help from their children or have any kind of retirement plans in the shape of residence or money during old age.
Eligibility Criteria
Eligibility Criteria for the Sassa old age grant are:

What is the Means test?
The mean test determines whether you are eligible for the SASSA Older Persons grant or not. Sassa works hard and tries to put all efforts into determining that only the right and deserving applicants receive financial assistance and grants. For this reason, Sassa put many limitations and monetary thresholds to complete the verification process before making a decision.
The older person’s grant directly depends upon the amount of private income you receive. As SASSA says ‘Grants for older persons, grants for war veterans, and grants for people with disabilities are paid on a sliding scale. So, the more your private income, the lower the amount of grant you get.
To qualify for the grant, you and your spouse must have not a higher annual income as compared to the amount described below otherwise the candidate will not be eligible for the old age grant.
For Single person
For the older person’s grant, the threshold for assets is set at R1227 600 and earnings should not be more than R86 280 for an individual.
For married couple
If the applicant is married, the threshold for assets is set at R2 455 200 and earnings should not be more than R172 560. The Sassa considered the combined income of a married couple.
Documents required to apply for the Sassa pension
For the older grant pension application, the following document or their copies are required:
Note: If death occurs in the last five years, then a death certificate copy, his/her will, and the first and final liquidation and distribution accounts.
Where and how to apply for SASSA pension?
You can apply for a grant through any nearest office located at the place where you live and here you can find the addresses and contact details of SASSA Offices.
Payment Method:
You can get the payment through the following methods.
Note: You can also appoint a person on your behalf if you are unable to collect your payment. Also, remember that during the transaction of money going in or out, the normal bank charges can also apply. If you want to change the payment method then it is done at a welfare office by filling out the form. The change in payment method will apply a month later.
Reason for Suspension:
Your old age grant can be suspended because of the following reasons:
So, if there come any change in your financial circumstances or any other situation, it is the beneficiaries’ responsibility to inform the Sassa otherwise Sassa will have 0% tolerance against fraud or illegal activities.
Note: The grant can also be restored if the application is made within 90 days of grant suspension.
Reason for grant lapsing:
The grant will lapse if you die or if you are outside the country or absent from the republic. Your grant is also affected when you are admitted to any institution of state for example in prison, rehabilitation center, or old age home, etc. The grant will be reduced to 25% because the institution has a contract with the government to take care of the people. The reduction on the grant continues until your discharge from that institute. The lapsing-on grant starts from the fourth month following your admission to that place.
SASSA pension increase
The Minister of Finance Enoch Godongwana indicates an increase in the Sassa grant for 2022 above the inflation rate. This decision was made during his inaugural Budget Speech. More than 48% of people in South Africa get help financially from the South African Social Security Agency (Sassa). After reviewing, the National Treasury, in the yearly Budget explains that in the upcoming days, the number of beneficiaries will increase by about 1;.5%. This means that the beneficiaries for grants increase from 18.4 million in 2021/2022 to 19.2 million in 2024/25. This figure does not mention the 10.5 million beneficiaries of the Social Relief of Distress (SRD) R350 grant.
Grant for beneficiaries (age less than 75)
The old-age grant for beneficiaries (whose age is less than 75) will increase from R1 890 to R1 985 (in April) and then R1,990 (in October) which indicates a 5.3% increase in amount as compared to the original.
Grant for beneficiaries (age more than 75)
The grant for pensioners above the age of 75 will increase from R1 910 to R2 005 (in April) and then R2,010 (in October) which is a 5.2% increase.